更新時間:2022-07-06 09:33:03 來源:大牛教育成考網(wǎng) 點擊量:
11. The visit of the President will increase the ______ between the two countries.
A. peace
B. knowledge
C. understanding
D. assistance
解析,increase the understanding between the two countries,增進兩國之間的理解。不能說increase the peace。knowledge為“知識”;assistance作“援助,幫助”
12. Mr.Smith promised me a good position and ______.
A. to pay me a fair salary
B. a fair salary
C. paying me a fair salary
D. pay me a fair salary
13. Peter said that he wouldn’t mind ______ the windows.
A. my opening
B. I open
C. me to open
D. for me to open
14. In the newspaper,we can learn ______ is going on in the world.
A. That
B. which
C. who
D. what
15. It is curious how children always behave much worse when they are ______ holiday.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
16. I suggest that she ______ another day.
A. will come
B. comes
C. came
D. should come
17. A man’s ______ lessens as he grows old.
A. life
B. effort
C. temper
D. vigor
答案:D。解析,A man’s vigor lessens,人的精力衰退;life,effort,temper,都是指脾氣,怒氣的意思,與lessen不搭配。
18. Now the income of the family was ______ more than one-third.
A. returned to
B. reached for
C. dropped off
D. cut down
解析,was cut down more than one third,減少了三分之一以上。不能選C,drop off是“下降,減少”,不及物;return to是“返回到”;reach for是“伸出手去取”。
19. George took ______ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.
A. advantage
B. profit
C. interest
D. charge
解析,took advantage of the fine weather,趁著天氣好。profit為“利益;利潤”;interest為“興趣;利益”;take charge of中“掌管,負責”。
20. He doesn’t seem at all sorry for ______ he has done.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. how
答案:B。解析,what he has done是“他所做的事”的意思。what引出一賓語從句,又是do的賓語。
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